Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No excuses for not celebrating

I was reading an email about fitness today. I'm on a mailing list for Turbulence Training and the daily emails are motivating and energizing most of the time. I admit I've fallen behind on the working out and I have a list of excuses as long as my arm but even then I can't seem to get myself moving.

So today's motivational email was about excuses and it sparked my thinking about birthdays. Combine that email with a conversation with a male coworker who explained that he buys jewelry for his wife on major anniversaries and "big" birthdays and here I am thinking about celebrating birthdays.

I am a big fan of celebrating every birthday, not just the "big" ones, the so-called milestones or the decade birthdays. Instead I figure every birthday is a gift. As my great-grandmother likes to say "It's better than the alternative."

But birthdays are more than just a step ahead of being dead and buried. Birthdays are the day we get to celebrate life - our own, our family's and life in general. Hopefully you say thank you to your parents whenever your birthday comes around. While your at it, direct some of that thanks to your grandparents as well.

Then stop making excuses and find a way to celebrate.

I won't suggest you go out to a club or throw a raucous bash just do something to celebrate. Head to the spa for a massage, catch a movie or curl up with your favorite tearjerker and a huge tub of popcorn. Just do something to celebrate your day and how awesome it feels to be alive. No one on earth can be you so don't you owe it to yourself to celebrate the wonder of who you are? Your birthday is the perfect time to do just that.

So get started. Give up the excuses and go out a celebrate your birthday.

AND on a side note, it happens to be my dad's birthday today so:


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