Friday, October 31, 2008


I know I've been absent a lot lately but with moving, working and trying to keep my head above water as the economy plummets, I've been a little busy. And now I'm writing to let you know that I will be absent for the month of November.

November is National Novel Writing Month.

I've decided to accept the challenge of NaNoWriMo of writing 50,000 words or a full novel during the month of November.

In order to achieve this goal I will be cutting back on all other writing as much as possible. I've set myself a 1000 word goal for each week day with a larger goal for the weekends, 5000 words each day for three weekends. I'm taking the other weekend off writing in order to move.

In order to make the goal, I will put this blog on hold. But don't worry.

I'll be back December 1st and motivated again.

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