Monday, October 6, 2008

Computer Crappy Day

I have had the crappiest day. I now have a headache and a knot in my stomach and I can't tell you why. Monday tends to be a bad day with the whole recover from the weekend and get up early deal. But today was a spectacularly bad Monday because every plan I had failed, every goal was unmet and I spent my day consumed with other people's problems while I ignored my own schedule and deadlines.

Just so we are clear - I am totally aware that this is my own fault.

The problem is that I don't mind helping people and I usually am laid back enough that missing a deadline doesn't really bother me. I normally figure that I will just make up the time tomorrow. BUT TODAY, my problems were all computer related and


They are completely illogical and unreliable. I am one of those individuals who isn't good with machines. I'm handy with tools as long as they don't perform high level functions. So I can use a drill and my iPod (sometimes) but computers, copy machines and complex tools like drill presses, circular saws and others are a little too high risk for me.

Computers especially tend to react badly to my instructions. While I just want to throw the stupid things out the window half the time.

So today I spent more than 4 hours trying to load (then unload and reload) a software upgrade. I should tell you that I have loaded this particular upgrade four times in the last week. So I've got the process down and shouldn't have had a problem. Still the irrational nature of computers meant that I tried to upload the program and it didn't take, then I tried again, no joy. I am, however, persistent so I tried a third time and YIPPEE! it worked and the program was loaded. It even worked, the first time.

I got the machine working just in time for the next one to be dropped on my desk for the same problem. The upgrade loaded but wouldn't function so it had to be uninstalled and then reinstalled.

Like I said, computers make me crazy. They are just counter to my logic. The stress of having to deal with the inconsistency and irrational nature of 2 stupid machines made me just want to SCREAM!

Right now I have absolutely nothing positive to say EXCEPT I'm looking forward to tomorrow. It will be a better day!

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