Thursday, July 9, 2009

Breaking an Age Barrier

I came across an article today that ran in USA Today a couple years ago. The article was titled Girls will be 30-year-old women and focused on how younger girls have started using spa services including manicures, pedicures, massages and facials.

What does this have to do with 30-year-old women you ask?

It’s not really a stretch. Once upon a time (about 5 years ago), the only people needing (or using) regular spa services were women who were consumed with getting older, ie the 30 year old woman. Our mothers expected to start looking “older” as they approached 30 and at that time reaching that age meant women had to seriously focus on creams, lotions and body maintenance.

For good or bad, the 30 age barrier has been broken when it comes to beauty and personal care products. Instead, females start partaking as early as 8 to 10 years of age. While I don’t necessarily support 8 year olds getting manicures and facials, I do support girls of all ages taking care of themselves. So if teens and women in their 20s are now looking at using sunscreen, putting on moisturizer and drinking tons of water to maintain their young skin – I’m happy that we’re taking care of ourselves, even if beauty is the stronger motivator over health.

Now that you’re turning 30, the good news is that you don’t have to suddenly start worrying about your health or your looks.

Chances are you just need to keep taking care of yourself. Pamper your body and your soul often and soon you’ll find that age is just a number with very little meaning about the value of your life. So start planning to take a break this weekend; visit a spa for a massage or just get a polish change at the nail salon. You’ll be happier (and more relaxed) by taking care of yourself.

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