Monday, August 11, 2008

Thinking about love

Today I was thinking about love. Don't ask me why. It isn't usually on my radar. Don't misunderstand, I've got nothing against the big romance. I just don't often have time to think about it.

OK, so I do know why I've been thinking about it today. Last week I accomplished a goal. Yeah me! The reward I promised myself for meeting this goal is to have some free reading time. Instead of investing time in something literary or interesting that will capture my brain. I've headed down the easy entertainment route. I'm rereading one of my favorite series of books - JD Robb's In Death series.

I started with book one and now I'm on the second. The thing about these novels is that while they are futuristic crime novels, there's a serious love at the core of this series. There are more than 25 books in this series. What I've forgotten in the past few years of reading about an established couple was how they began. In reading the early books I've found the push and pull, the fight of falling in love.

So this round about tale was telling you I've been thinking about love today. What I've been thinking is does love change as we get older?

There is teenage love and early college/young adult love but what happens after that? Can we find great love as we get older? Is there ever a time when love runs out? Or when our ability to find it has passed?

Don't get me wrong. I know there are plenty of loves left in my life. I KNOW that 30 is young to start wondering about such things. Some people haven't even experienced love by 30, others may be on their second or third love.

What do you think?
Does love have a time limit?
Does age have anything to do with love?

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