Sunday, August 3, 2008

30 – The number of betrayal

I was talking to someone today who mentioned that one of the problems with turning 30 isn’t about age, it’s about the number 30 itself. At first I thought she might be off the mark then we were watching the movie Serenity and during one scene, she pointed to the screen and said, “You see, 30.”

Maybe I should give you a bit more background about this movie. If you haven’t seen it, you should. It’s a Joss Whedon creation and his movies and shows are wicked smart, fun and often insightful. If you aren’t into science fiction, consider watching the movie just for the dialogue, it is impressive. The movie is the continuation of the story begun in the short-lived TV show Firefly.

Anyway, back to the point. In one scene the character of Mr. Universe betrays his friends by letting them think they are safe to come see him when they are not. After betraying his friends he turns to the assassin and says “Toss me my 30 coin”.

Of course what this really refers to is a biblical reference. In the book of Matthew, Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. This reference is what through history has made 30 pieces a symbol of betrayal.

The thing is, as interesting as my friend’s point was, I don’t really buy it. 30 is not a BAD number or an EVIL number. It is just a number. Just like it is just an age. One among hopefully many we will see in a lifetime.

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