Friday, July 25, 2008

Why Bradbury

I've decided to try a different approach today.

Maybe the problem is that I don't really love anything. I don't get all hearts and flowers about life. I decided to go back to Bradbury for another dose of inspiration, just in another direction.

You may wonder why I choose Bradbury as an inspiration. To most people he was a crazy science fiction writer on the fringe. To active writers, however, he might be something more. He is for me. Bradbury was extremely prolific as a writer. He decided at the age of 12 that he would write 1000 words every day. And apparently he did so, every day, even though his motivation lagged sometimes. He wasn't published until his 20s. So for a decade he wrote 1000 words a day, 364,000 words a year without being published. In that time he wrote over 3 million words.

Volume is not the most impressive thing about Bradbury. Truly I read him and I trust his words because his books taught me 2 things when I was a young reader

1. It's OK to be a freak who likes to read

2. Narrators in stories don't have to tell you the truth - they can lie

These 2 revelations caused me to decide that I wanted to read and write for the rest of my life. I think I was about 11 when I reached this conclusion.

So in a round about way maybe I have realized something.

What I love is books.

As to the other approach I was planning for today - I'll get to it tomorrow.

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