Monday, May 19, 2008

Maternal Influence

My mom visited this weekend and got me thinking. You see she's 56 and retiring in 3 weeks after 33 years in the education system. Not tht is a milestone to my mind.

In her 33 years she progressed from a classroom teacher to a dean with many side adventures and projects along the way. She progressed and took risks throughout her career. I choose to see my mom's career as a metaphor for life - always changing and growing over a long period of time - like life itself. Retirement however is not a metaphor for death or giving in. If a person is fortunate enough to be able to retire in their 50s, they are likely active personalities who are embarking upon a new path. So retirement is similar to turning 30 in that it can be something new if you want it to be.

Your approach is what matters. How will you approach your 30th birthday??

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