Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Manly Birthday

A friend of mine turned 30 this week. Interestingly enough it didn't seem to bother him. He jut kept living his life. Some might think that men just don't care about age and this is why my friend didn't panic. It's not really true - two years ago when another guy friend of mine faced 30 he pretty much spent months getting wasted to avoid getting older and since he somehow equates the 30 thing with losing his hair he's still working on letting it grow longer in the back while the bald spot just grows and grows.

Some men just give up and shave their heads, taking some control over the fate of their hairline.

Still there's no real pressure as a man ages since he can reproduce well into his geriatric years if he can find a woman young enough and willing that is. Still the classic mid-life crisis complete with younger girlfriend and new sports car are cliches because they do happen - just not anywhere near 30. Men don't seem to age as rapidly as women I guess.

Personally I prefer my men older - forties works for me at the moment. I hate to digress but more than age I prefer the stability of an older man - not money or security - stability. By this I mean men who are where they want to be in life and aren't insecure. (Of course there is limited time from 40 to the aforementioned mid-life crisis.)

You may not care about why I prefer in a man but people say we are attracted to those who reflect the parts of our own personalities or lives that we like. So if I prefer secure, confident men it's because I prefer these qualities in myself (whether I have them or not).

So if a woman turning 30 prefers strong men why would she give up her own strength to become a wishy-washy mop who panics over a birthday??

Something to think about???

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