Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Try new things

We are never too old to try new things. I get this from my 70-something year old grandmother who is off to Australia and New Zealand in a few weeks. She's been there before but she found an interesting activity in the area she hasn't done before so she just has to go now.

I'm lucky in that I have a visible reminder of how young 30 really is. With grandparents in the 70s and 80s plus a great-grandmother in her 90s, I've gotten to see how long life really can be. Those family members who manage to keep a youthful appearance and personality are the ones who are always willing to try something new. So instead of dreading 30, I chose to look forward to it as just one more new experience in life.

Now that I'm comfortable as an over-30 woman (33 to be exact) I'm still looking for the next new things. This week my newest thing is a great sugar scrub from The Body Shop and a book to inspire laughs, "And Here's the Kicker" about comedy writers.

Last week the new thing I tried was driving the Nissan Cube – a horrid vehicle that I suggest no one attempt to try. I also made my first visit to my father's home town, Grand Rapids, Michigan. I was in the area for work but I did a little wandering to get an impression of where dad comes from. I found that the area looked much like the Tampa, Florida community where dad grew up after leaving Michigan at age 5. The odd similarity made me realize why my grandparents easily fit in when they moved south.

Trying new things doesn't have to be dramatic, just constant (or at least frequent). When was the last time you tried something new?

If you cannot recall, it's time to consider a change. Order a new cocktail at happy hour, try a new dinner recipe or switch your nail polish to a more vibrant shade. Just think small and get started trying new things. You might find these are the best times in life.


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