Monday, September 28, 2009

Who's awake at 4 AM?

A couple hours ago I was riding through southern Mass and northern RI on my way to the airport in Providence. It was 415 in the morning and there were a surprising number of cars on the road. There was even a line at the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru we passed.

I started thinking, who are these people and why are they up. Personally, I'm only up this early for extreme situations like hospital visits, late night romance and flights to the west coast. Today I'm traveling to Sacramento, hence the early am trip.

So who are the other early drivers?
Night shift workers (on lunch break)
Off shift workers headed home at the end of the work day
Early morning workers
Parents trying to get the baby to sleep
Paper delivery persons
Nocturnal beekeepers
Cramming students

I'm sure there are plenty of others to consider but it's still a little early for me.

After making my list I reminded myself to be grateful that I am not usually one of these 4 AM travelers. Since settling into my 30s there is one thing I can say for certain, I love my sleep and I'm unwilling to see 4 AM unless I have to. There was a time in my early 20s when 1-4 was my favorite time of the night but those days have passed.

While I normally maintain that turning 30 doesn't have to change your lifestyle (and I still make that argument) I am still glad that I've been able to choose sleep over mindless cramming, partying and puffy, red, sleep deprived eyes.

What have you willing given up (or changed) since celebrating 30?

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