Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why do I feel pressure?

I spent some time deciding which question to think about for today and decided upon

Why do I feel pressure?

I chose this because I have passed my 30th birthday and I don't feel any pressure to be married or do better at work. So I chose the question that best applies to my interest. Selfish, I know, but necessary to get to any deeper truth.

So again, I ask myself - Why do I feel pressure?
Just so you know, I feel pressure to be productive and advance in both my careers (corporate and freelance). This is the what of my pressure.

On to the why. First I believe I feel pressure because I am goal oriented and want to be a better person.

Because we are supposed to always strive to be better. Being the same or stagnating makes me a bad person. Doesn't it?

Because our culture says we should want to do better. The whole American way of hard work makes us stronger and makes us earn more money.

Here's where I get stuck. I don't really care about my culture or society wanting me to do something so is this really the source of my pressure, I wonder. Maybe I should consider Why, down a different path.

Why do I feel pressure?
At my day job - doing well and striving to meet deadlines and exceed expectations means I can earn a promotion or salary increase. I hate to be motivated by money but I like having nice things and being able to travel, money makes that possible (or at least easier).

I feel pressure to not let my team down and pressure to be better than others. I feel pressure to be smarter and more productive, to do things that will make others take notice and value my contribution.

Why do I feel these things?
I like being better than expected. I like being valued and respected. I like that people consider me an expert and call me with questions about my work topic. I like that I am the one people call when they need input.

Why do I feel the pressure is from the outside?
After thinking about this, I realize that while it is great for family and friends to think I've succeeded, it is more that I want to be respected. And I want the warm feeling of respecting myself that I get when other people value and respect my work. It is not society that has created pressure for me to be better at my work.

It is me. I am the source of the pressure I feel. I am the why. The feeling I get, my identity and self respect are all wrapped up in succeeding at my work. So I pressure myself to do better. If I am the reason and the source of the pressure, then I should be able to motivate myself to success. I can push myself or relax but knowing that the why is the warm, fuzzy feeling I get in response to the appreciation of others for my work, I can get more of that feeling just by pushing myself to do better at the office.

What about you? Did you ask yourself why? Will you continue to do so?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm 37 and i don't feel old or pressured...not at work anyway and do i do my best there, probably not. i need a change in career..not motivated.