Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Room Mate??

One of the best things about being in your 20s is that it is common to have roommates. It is acceptable at that age to experiment with living with different people be they casual acquaintances, friends or even lovers who you share your space with. In college and the years directly following I had roommates of both sexes - sometimes one, sometimes more. My circumstances changed whenever the wind blew - or a roommate got on my nerves, wouldn't take out the trash or the lease was up.

In our 20s this easy flexibility is common and fundamental to our learning what we can and cannot live with. I believe that living with roommates (similar to growing up with siblings) prepares us for sharing and consideration of others that are fundamental to marriage and having children.

Still what's fun and common in our 20s is not so in our 30s.

Personally I went without a roommate from age 24 to 30 and I LOVE living alone. I'm spoiled by the ability to spread out and get comfortable in my surroundings and leave my mess with no thought to anyone else. From 30 -31 I lived with my brother because we both needed some help with the finances and sharing an apartment allowed us some financial freedom. Luckily we get along and weren't home at the same time very often. Still as soon as the lease was up I got my own place and am back to living alone and HAPPY about it.

So the question becomes AM I JUST SPOILED by the desire to live alone or does being over 30 mean that roommates are passe??

Is 30 just TOO OLD for a roommate?

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