Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I wrote an article today about how to write an obituary. It wasn't what I would call an uplifting experience but hey most of us will have to write one at some point in our lives.

For people who think turning 30 is the end of their youth or the end of childhood I suggest you write an obituary. Start at the beginning, for example

Colette was born May 16th and her childhood died on her 30th birthday.

Consider all your accomplishments and all the things you are leaving behind.

She excelled at pursuing fun and will leave behind her favorite bottle of Jack Daniels...

I remember writing my class obituary when I graduated from high school and this is the same thing. Get some perspective on turning 30 and write an obituary for your childhood. You may find your worry was unfounded. Maybe you aren't leaving anything behind - except the fear of getting older.

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