Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Just a few questions

I was rereading a book I mentioned a long time ago, Book of Ages: 30, and I started thinking – it might be time to ask a few questions. The book states some averages that give you an idea of where you are in comparison with the rest of the universe turning 30.

For example,
“4,211,541 Americans will turn 30 this year
83% carry debt - median balance $26,500
50% have a credit card balance - median bal $2,100
1 in 33 – 30-year-old men is a virgin
1 in 25 – 30-year-old women is a virgin”

For more information, check out the book or the web site at

Back to my questions:
So how is your sex life?
Are you more active than others, or less?
How about your money?
With the recent recession, are you drowning, surviving or thriving?

I’m in the mood to get some perspective in my life, so I started asking these questions. Then I looked in the book to see where I stand. Let’s just say there’s good news and bad news and now I’ve got to make a few changes on the bad news.

Where do you stand?

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