Monday, January 12, 2009

Back on Track

I’m sure I’ve said it before – I will get back on track. I’ve been a little lacking in motivation the past few months. I’d like to say the holidays were just too busy but in reality I just had a period of not caring.

We all go through periods of time when we just want to get through the day. We don’t want to be creative or energized or do anything impressive. We just want to get up, do the bare minimum of what we are obligated to do then go back to bed. This is where I’ve been since November.

I’m not suggesting that this is good or bad. Sometimes our motivation needs to shut down so that we can reevaluate before we are ready to start new. I’m optimistic that I am now ready to start again. So we are getting back on track for this blog. I still believe that our 30s are a great (though busy) time. So this week to get back on track, I plan to start making lists. Great big lists of the things that matter, the things that inspire and maybe even the reasons behind the goals I’ve set for the next few months.

You see, I am a goal setter and when I start a new project (like 2009) I like to set goals, outline the process for reaching the goals and then get started. So bear with me for a few days while I get back in a routine.

So WELCOME BACK to the 30 ISN’T OLD blog and

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