Saturday, January 2, 2010

Moving on

I’m sad (and somewhat relieved) to announce that this will be the last entry for this blog. It’s been 5 years since I started working on projects about turning 30. Since then I have maintained this blog for a couple years as well as written and published a book.

Now that I have passed 30 I’ve begun looking forward to something new. I will be working on a new fiction series for the next year or two. I’m ready to move on and find a new challenge.

I’ve had a great time focusing on the positive and energetic benefits of leaving my 20s behind. I hope this blog (and the book) help you find your own successes as you celebrated 30.

I will leave the blog up for about a month before I close it and archive everything. Please feel free to send comments or questions before the site is closed. To keep up with my future projects, check out my primary website, I’ll be redesigning the site in the next few months as new projects get up and running.

If you need to reach me, contact me at

Have a Happy New Year!

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