Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Too tired to think

I'm exhausted tonight so this will be a short entry. I just feel bad that I've been neglectful this month. Plus I haven't felt the usual positive energy toward this blog that I normally do. So to compromise I decided to share two quotes that get me going whenever I read them.

The faces of most American women over thirty are relief maps of petulant and bewildered unhappiness. -F. Scott Fitzgerald
After reading The Great Gatsby in high school I was well aware of Fitzgerald's obnixious and irritating view of women. When I came across this quote I wasn't the least surprised that the words came from his mouth.
Instead all I can think is that I'm glad to live in a more enlightened (I hope) time. Maybe he should have considered that the women he knew who were over 30 may have been unhappy because they had to deal with the likes of him.

Everything I know I learned after I was thirty.
- Georges Clemenceau

For those who don't know (and I admit that before I read this quote, I wasn't sure) Clemenceau is a statesman, a former Prime Minister of France who was involved in the Treaty of Versailles, the peace treaty that helped end World War I. Anyway even though Clemenceau is a man and therefore not the best voice for turning 30, I tend to concur with his statement.

OK, maybe not everything I learned was after 30. But a great deal of perspective continues to come my way the more years I collect. So hopefully old George is correct and I have a future as a wise old woman coming my way.

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