Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Self Expression & Creative Outlet
However, I’ve also discovered that one of the reasons I like this structure is that I have a lot of time for creativity and expression. Since writing is my part time career, I have the chance to express myself by writing stories as well as non-fiction, marketing messages and blogging for this site.
Take a look at your hectic life. Where is your creativity expressed?
Are you a mom who makes up stories for her kids at night? Maybe you get some finger painting or fun with building blocks in the evenings? Creativity can be found in many areas of our lives if we are willing to look for it. Women without kids at home might wonder where there creativity is expressed. It might be in your spring garden, during brainstorming meetings at work or helping out at church fundraisers. Even planning a garage sale provides an opportunity to get those creative juices flowing.
Consider lightening some of your stress load and hectic life by finding your creative outlet or seeking a new one. If you are seeking a new creative outlet, consider keeping a journal. Just 5 or 10 minutes in the morning will give you a chance to center your mind, empty your worries onto the page and set your brain down the creative path.
To get started, try taking 10 minutes today to begin your journal by completing one of the following statements.
I will be creative today when I …
My creativity is expressed when I …
I love expressing myself by…
I find that art/writing/music/etc. helps my creativity flow because…
Open your creative mind and begin to express yourself today.
Monday, May 18, 2009
So You’re 30, Now What?
What do you mean now what?
I’ve yet to meet a woman in her 30s who isn’t running full tilt through her life. As we leave our 20s behind we find that no matter how diverse we are as women, we all have one thing in common – we’re busy. Whether you are a mom with young kids, on the fast track at work or just getting by, you’re likely to be busy during your 30s.
This will be the busiest (and probably most productive) decade of your life. For many women, this decade will be when you:
Start & raise a family
Determine your career path and goals
Get involved in your community
Take over many holiday and family responsibilities from your parents
Or establish family ties with a group of close friends
Solidify your religious views
Work at relationships
Start worrying about your health and taking care of yourself
Women in their 30s tend to be running all the time. These are the women who never seem to have enough time yet always seem to be getting things done. It is this period when you might find yourself doing laundry while planning your next day at work, feeding your family and deciding on weekend plans. At the same time you might also have your bills, debt, future goals and worries consuming your mind.
Multitasking is the buzzword of this decade. If you turn 30 asking what’s next, the answer will come fast and furious. Be prepared to get busy, and fast.